Silo Strengthening With External Post Tensioning Applications

If post-tensioning systems are not used in the manufacture of large-scale, high-capacity reinforced concrete silos and tanks, especially for industrial purposes, superficial or deep cracks will form on the silo walls due to temperature and internal pressure changes over time.
In order to strengthen the deformed cylindrical structure, to prevent the expansion of cracks and to continue its use after cracks have formed, external post-tensioning systems are used that apply sufficient prestressing force to meet the internal pressure and prevent deformation.

After the applied post-tensioning force, the existing cracks will be closed as much as possible and new crack formation will be prevented.
Depending on the condition of the existing reinforced concrete, a new reinforced concrete curtain may need to be built outside the tendons. In cases where the existing reinforced concrete is strong enough not to require an additional reinforced concrete curtain, reinforcement works can be completed from the outside by using special, galvanized, greased, sheathed tendons against corrosion.